In Memory

Harry B. Wickham

Harry B. Wickham

Harry Burdell Wickham passed away on December 1, 2020.  He was just 20 days shy of his 82nd birthday.

Harry began life on December 21, 1938 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, born to Georgiana and Percy Wickham. He served in the US army four years following graduation from St. Louis Park High School and was stationed in Alaska. After leaving the service he lived in Minneapolis, where he was born and lived prior to coming to St. Louis Park.  In fact, Harry entered our High School from Roosevelt High in 1957; so, he spent only the last year, his senior year, with us at St. Louis Park High School. 

Harry worked in the building trades, and developed many lasting friendships. Harry's joy, be it in the wilderness or in the middle of the city, was fishing from the shore. He found contentment by the water, sharing his fishing spots with eagles and herons. Harry enjoyed cooking for family gatherings, was a history buff, and an engaging storyteller. He had a generous, kind heart, offering his time and effort to bettering others' days. He always made donations to charitable organizations that spoke to his heart.

Harry was a wonderful brother to Georgiana, Ann, Margaret, Lee, John and Bill, and a caring uncle to his nieces and nephews. Harry and his cherished companion Debbi Munson were blessed to find love later in life, bringing much joy to each other. After a struggle with COVID-19, Harry passed on December 1, 2020.

We can recall that Harry was not a "joiner" in high school, and chose not to belong to any extracurricular activities; perhaps that was because it was hard to get to know classmates in just a short time, or because he had better things to do with his time -- like fishing.  As far as any of our classmates can recall, Harry Wickham never attended any of the class reunions of our Class of 1958. 

It was said of Harry that "He just came and went."  But our classmate Bob Erickson did know Harry and remarked, "Everybody liked Harry.  He will be missed, and never forgotten.  We had many good times fishing and hunting over the years."  Also, another friend, Richard J. Carlson (not the one from our class, however) shared this memory: "Harry and I traveled together in South Dakota and I am saddened by his death.  He was a wonderful, upbeat companion, always positive and game for anything.  Harry left me with many wonderful memories and I will miss him.  He was a great person." 

His extended family misses him deeply.  They said, "May your spirit soar and find contentment on your new-found shore. A memorial gathering to celebrate Harry's life will be put into place at a future time. Donations in memory of Harry can be made to the Fort Snelling Veterans Legacy Program. Gratitude was expressed by his family to folks at Fairview Southdale Hospital and Heritage of Edina, for the loving care Harry received near the end of his battle with COVID-19.